Board of Zoning Appeals

Board of Zoning Appeals documents are posted here in the City’s efforts for improved communication and transparency. Agendas and packets contain draft documents for review purposes only and are subject to change without notice.

    [0] => 80177844-a1bd-49f6-993b-5e9f0f138e7e
    [1] => 108270e3-9869-4a48-8ecf-3bdc624f64b5
stdClass Object
    [collection] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => b5bc2129-0271-4996-b073-ea56697b42ca
                    [name] => Board of Zoning Appeals
                    [scheduledDateTime] => 2025-03-17T16:00:00
                    [isArchived] => 
                    [meetingTypeId] => 108270e3-9869-4a48-8ecf-3bdc624f64b5
                    [meetingTypeName] => Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
                    [venueFieldId] => a59fca15-3d6e-407f-a574-444732f05ff1
                    [venueFieldValue] => City Hall - Mayor McCullough Council Chamber
                    [showMeetingPrivatePacketDocument] => 1
                    [agendaDocument] => stdClass Object
                            [title] => 
                            [absoluteUri] => 
                            [pdfTitle] => 
                            [pdfAbsoluteUri] => 
                            [isPublished] => 

                    [privatePacketDocument] => stdClass Object
                            [title] => 
                            [absoluteUri] => 
                            [pdfTitle] => 
                            [pdfAbsoluteUri] => 
                            [isPublished] => 

                    [publicPacketDocument] => stdClass Object
                            [title] => 
                            [absoluteUri] => 
                            [pdfTitle] => 
                            [pdfAbsoluteUri] => 
                            [isPublished] => 

                    [minutesDocument] => stdClass Object
                            [title] => 
                            [absoluteUri] => 
                            [pdfTitle] => 
                            [pdfAbsoluteUri] => 
                            [isPublished] => 




Meeting Documents

There are no meetings published for the selected year..