City of Dahlonega Mayor & Council Participate in 2014 Mayors’ Day

City of Dahlonega Mayor, Council and staff were among nearly 800 city officials to attend the Georgia Municipal Association’s annual Mayors’ Day Conference in Atlanta January 24-27. The annual conference provides city officials with an opportunity to learn more about legislation under consideration at the Georgia Capitol, attend training sessions and hear from state leaders. This year’s conference also included a United States Senate candidates forum.
Two special training classes were held on Friday afternoon. One dealt with fair housing and land use standards, while the other covered public policy development and implementation.
Representing Dahlonega were Mayor Gary McCullough, Councilman Sam Norton, Councilman Mitchell Ridley, Councilman Michael Clemons, Councilman Bruce Hoffman, Councilman Terry Peters, Councilman Roman Gaddis, City Attorney Doug Parks and City Manager Bruce Georgia. “Attending Mayors’ Day gives us an opportunity to hear about legislation affecting our cities and gives us a voice in shaping GMA’s future legislative policies,” said Mayor Gary McCullough.
During the conference officials had the choice of attending concurrent sessions on creating a downtown vision, developing technology and small business incubators and the economic impact of education. They also participated in GMA’s six policy committees and heard from the governor, lieutenant governor and speaker of the house on their plans for the legislative session.
For more information on GMA, visit them at