City Manager
The City Council appoints a City Manager on the basis of his or her executive and administrative qualifications who supervises and coordinates all departments of the city and implements the policy decisions of the City Council in all departments. Leadership is provided by planning, facilitating and supervising the programs and services of the city. Responsibilities also include making recommendations to the City Council related to the affairs of the city, preparing reports to the City Council in respect to the operations of city departments or programs, ensuring that all laws, provisions of the City Charter are faithfully executed.
Chief of Police
The Chief of Police serves as the chief law enforcement for the City. The Chief’s duties include enforcement of state and local laws, traffic laws, alcohol licensing compliance and city ordinances violations. Additionally, the Chief coordinates with other local and state law enforcement agencies and many festival and event planners to ensure the safety of those who live, work and visit the City of Dahlonega.
City Clerk
The City Clerk serves as the keeper of the records and provides administrative support to Elected Officials, Appointees, and the City Manager.
City Attorney
A City Attorney is appointed by the City Council who is responsible for representing and defending the City in all litigation in which the City is a party and advises the Council, Mayor, Officers, and Employees of the City concerning legal aspects of the City's affairs. The City Attorney serves as City Court Solicitor and performs such other duties as may be requested by the Council.

City Attorney