Lumpkin Youth Leadership Spends a Day at City Hall

On March 01, the cohort worked with Rebecca Shirley, the Downtown Development Authority’s Project Coordinator and LYL Day Chair, to evaluate city issues from a youth’s perspective. Eight of the LCMS Peer Leaders also spent the morning working with the high school cohort and Ms. Shirley, in order to share leadership and educational opportunities. The lesson plan included a Habits of Mind presentation by Dr. Donna Gessell, a guided discussion and presentation by the students, a brief lesson about the city’s history. After lunch, the LCMS Peer Leaders returned to school and the high school cohort toured the downtown area. Prior to the tour, students learned the basics of taking a sample vs. population mean so that they could use the data they collected for further study. During the tour, they recorded images for an upcoming project, entitled Dahlonega Through My Eyes, that will be presented for public viewing.
The Lumpkin Youth Leadership cohort is possible due to the cooperation between the Lumpkin County Board of Education, the Lumpkin County Chamber of Commerce, Lumpkin Leadership, North Georgia College & State University, and the Lumpkin County 4-H Extension Office. Over a year’s worth of planning and preparation has gone into this collaboration, whose combined goal is the education and empowerment of the youth of Lumpkin County.