Request for Proposal (RFP) Website Design, Development, and Hosting #2022-014

UPDATE as of 01/11/23: Technical Proposals are currently being reviewed by the committee.
The City of Dahlonega is requesting sealed proposals for a firm to provide three services related to its website: (1) hosting the City of Dahlonega website, (2) maintenance of the existing website located at, and (3) redesign of the site and migration from the existing website to the new site.
An OPTIONAL pre-proposal meeting will be held on Monday, April 18th, 2022, at 2:00 PM EDT at the City Hall Council Chambers at 465 Riley Road, Dahlonega, GA 30533.
Questions regarding Project #2022-010 will be accepted in writing only, to the City of Dahlonega
Purchasing Agent, Brittany Lee at or faxed to 706-864-4837 before 12:00PM, EDT,
on April 22nd, 2022. Responses will be posted by addenda no later than 5:00PM EDT, on April 27th,
2022, to
Proposals must be received by 2:00 PM local time on Thursday, May 5th, 2022, and may be delivered to
the Purchasing Department, 465 Riley Road, Dahlonega 30533. Proposals shall be clearly marked and sealed, including the appropriate project number and title. Late bids will not be considered nor returned.
The proposal documents and specifications are available for inspection at City Hall located at 465 Riley Road, Dahlonega, Georgia (Phone 706-864-6133) and on the City’s website at
Proposals may not be withdrawn for ninety (90) days after the time and date set for closing, except as
allowed by O.C.G.A. §13-10-22. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to award a contract in the best interest of the City, and to waive any technicalities and informalities.